Sibylle Peretti’s multimedia collages combine drawing, photographs, and opaline glass (using the technique known as slumping) to create milky, misted naturescapes that hold woodland animals in strange suspension. Born in Germany in 1964, and schooled there, Peretti first earned an MFA in glassmaking and design, and then earned another in sculpture and painting. She has lived in Louisiana since 1996, and says the waterlogged realm inspires her creations. “Living in New Orleans, just footsteps away from the Mississippi River, I explore almost daily the ever-changing alluvial land with its magical backwaters.” Her last online show at the gallery was called “Backwaters.” This one focuses on the unruly creatures near Peretti’s home. —Elena Clavarino
The Arts Intel Report
Sibylle Peretti: Untamed
Sibylle Peretti, “Coney,” 2022.
Mar 24 – Apr 30, 2022
Photo courtesy of Heller Gallery